Massage Therapy for a Better Night’s Sleep

Published on May 23, 2014
By Kray Kibler, CFO, Massage Warehouse

Adequate sleep is necessary for healthy functioning, and quality sleep is vital to health and wellness. But an estimated 50 to 70 million Americans experience sleep issues that affect their health,1 often leading to low work performance, slowed reaction time, obesity, higher risk of long-term disease, and substance abuse.

Chronic insomnia causes extreme fatigue and problems with concentration, and can adversely affect a person’s mood and well-being. For healthcare professionals, helping patients overcome insomnia is critical for fostering overall health and wellness.3 According to Ralph Pascualy, MD, medical director of the Swedish Sleep Medicine Institute (SSMI) in Seattle, both the quantity and quality of an individual’s sleep directly affect their health.

Nutrition and exercise are often recommended as the foundation of good health, but research shows that quality sleep should also be part of any holistic treatment. Those who sleep less than 8 hours per night are experiencing “sleep debt,” which cannot be reversed by sleeping more on the weekend.

According to the Mayo Clinic, studies have found massage to be beneficial for insomnia-related stress, as well as:

  • Anxiety
  • Digestive disorders
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headaches
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Paresthesias and nerve pain
  • Soft tissue strains or injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Temporomandibular joint pain

Benefits of Massage Therapy

The National Institutes of Health has advised that massage therapy can reduce fatigue and improve sleep5 and, based on research gathered by the American Massage Therapy Association, massage has been shown to improve sleep in infants, children, adults, and the elderly alike, as well as individuals with psychiatric disorders, fibromyalgia, cancer, heart disease, lower back pain, cerebral palsy, and breast disease.1

Anne Williams, director of education, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, and author of Spa Bodywork and Teaching Massage, says, “Massage helps people spend more time in deep sleep, the restorative stage in which the body barely moves, which reduces the neurotransmitter associated with pain.”

There are many different types of massage, including these common types:

  • Swedish massage: This is a gentle form of massage that uses long strokes, kneading, deep circular movements, vibration, and tapping to help relax and energize.
  • Deep massage: This massage technique uses slower, more-forceful strokes to target the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue, commonly to help with muscle damage from injuries.
  • Sports massage: This is similar to Swedish massage, but it’s geared toward people involved in sport activities to help prevent or treat injuries.
  • Trigger point massage: This massage focuses on areas of tight muscle fibers that can form in muscles after injuries or overuse.

The chemistry of sleep is relevant in relation to massage because it directly influences the body’s production of serotonin, which is essential for the production of melatonin. A study on back pain, published in the International Journal of Neuroscience, demonstrated that in addition to a decrease in long-term pain, subjects receiving massage experienced improved sleep and an increase in serotonin levels.

Results were based on twice-weekly, 30-minute massages for 5 weeks, using these techniques:

  • Kneading and pressing the back muscles
  • Massaging both sides of the spine and hips
  • Gliding rubs to the legs
  • Kneading and pressing the thighs

In the supine position, participants received:

  • Gliding strokes to the neck and abdomen
  • Kneading of the rectus and oblique muscles that help bend the trunk of the body forward
  • Rubbing of the legs
  • Kneading of the anterior thighs
  • Flexing of the thighs and knees
  • Gentle pulling on both legs

In addition to other assessments, a sleep scale to measure quality of sleep and urine samples to measure levels of serotonin were used in the study.


Massage is a smart, healthy, and drug-free option that has helped many people overcome insomnia. Because melatonin influences the sleep stage of an individual’s circadian rhythm, a natural way of boosting serotonin is a positive sleep-inducing option. This connection calls for further research showing the direct effects massage therapy has on serotonin and sleep. In the meantime, the existing evidence is enough to recommend regular massages for sleepless patients.3

A growing number of healthcare professionals recognize the benefits of taking a multidisciplinary approach to patients in order to better identify the source of illness4—rather than simply treating the symptoms. At the same time, sleeping pills and pain killers should take a back seat to complementary and alternative forms of medicine, including massage therapy, for treating the whole person and improving outcomes.

Massage Warehouse, Kray Kibler, CFO. “Massage Therapy for a Better Night’s Sleep – Sleep Review.” Sleep Review. May 23, 2014. Accessed April 17, 2016.

Heading off headaches

Except for head colds, headaches are the most common human ailment. In fact, headaches beat out backaches as the number-one cause of time lost from work. Approximately three out of every four people will have at least one headache within the year.

Some headaches, like migraines, are caused by a disturbance of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. However, according to Dr Janet Travell and Dr David Simons, specialists in musculoskeletal pain, “It is now becoming clear that tension headache is usually due to trigger points.”

Trigger points are small knots that develop in muscles. These knots or mini-spasms make pain travel to different areas of the body, often nowhere near the knot itself. For example, trigger points at the top of your neck can send pain directly into your eye.

The name trigger point comes from the fact that these knots can sit in your muscles for ages without causing pain until something “triggers” them to become active. Common triggers include fatigue, stress, poor posture, repetitive movements at work and cold drafts.

Massage therapy is a proven way of treating trigger points for long-term headache relief. In one study, researchers found that chronic headache sufferers had dramatic relief after ten massages that focused on treatment of trigger points.

Although you may get some relief with general relaxation massage, long-term relief depends on correctly identifying and treating specific trigger points which are responsible for your pain. Single muscle trigger points can often be eliminated quickly and easily, sometimes within one or two treatments.

In more complicated cases however, it may take significant time and your active participation to get lasting results.

When should you see a doctor?

In a small number of cases, severe headaches may be a warning sign of a more serious disorder such as very high blood pressure, stroke, bleeding in the brain or even a tumour. The following signs should send you to a doctor immediately:

  •  you suddenly start having severe headaches, especially if they are your first ones and you are over 35 years of age
  •  you have a severe headache during or immediately after physical exertion or straining
  •  a headache with fever and neck stiffness
  •  a headache accompanied by confusion or difficulty speaking—especially following a blow to the head, even one that occurred several weeks earlier
  •  a headache accompanied by inflamed, clogged sinuses – it may be the result of infection and build-up of pus in the sinus passages
  •  any increase in the intensity or frequency of headaches
  •  your headache treatment guide

Many people use painkillers to get rid of their headaches. Don’t take painkillers for extended periods without consulting with your doctor. Because some medications, even over the counter drugs, have unpleasant and sometimes dangerous side effects it’s always best to rely on non-drug treatments when possible. Here are a few suggestions:

Relaxation training.

Relaxation has been shown to be extremely effective in the management of headaches. For example, one study published in the journal Headache in 1989 found that migraine sufferers who were taught relaxation exercises had 30% to 40% fewer attacks over the course of three years. The subjects were also better able to cope with the attacks when they occurred and required less medication.


Reusable gel packs are an inexpensive and simple solution that can be used in place of or as an adjunct to medication. Keep the gel pack in the freezer. At the first signs of a headache put it in a tea towel and wrap it around your neck. About 70% of headache sufferers will experience some relief with the use of gel packs. If your headache gets worse after applying the pack, it is possible that the cold pack may be aggravating a trigger point.


Some people find that heat is better than cold at relieving headaches. Most gel packs can also be heated. They are generally safer and more effective than heating pads because they mold nicely to the shape of our neck and are less likely to cause burns. A hot bath or hot shower may even be better. Headaches caused by trigger points generally respond well to heat, whereas migraine headaches may be aggravated. Exercise. Regular exercise helps relieve stress and tension and thus can be an excellent way to prevent headaches. Neck, back, and shoulder stretches also help relieve tension and are essential for trigger point headaches. Ask your massage therapist for stretches that are appropriate for you.

Improved posture.

Sitting improperly, at a computer terminal for instance can create tension in the muscles and trigger a headache. Slouching is particularly problematic as it prevents you from breathing normally and shortens the muscles in the back of your neck.

Get to the cause.

A headache may be your body’s way of telling you that there is some underlying stressful problem in your life: a troubled relationship, an unfulfilling job, or an upcoming exam. Your headaches may go away only after these stressful situations are resolved.


This is one of our favourites simply because we know it works so well. Many people think that massage provides only short-term relief. However, research shows that not only is massage effective at eliminating headaches, but the relief can last for months. Part of the effectiveness lies in the elimination of trigger points. As well, regular massage can actually retrain your nervous system to decrease the tension in your muscles on a more permanent basis.

If you have specific health concerns consult your medical doctor. The information in this newsletter is educational only and is not intended to replace the advice of your personal health care providers.


Provided by New West Wellness Centre.
Michelle Kegaly RMT

Find your energy and make it work for you

If there is one thing most people agree on, it’s the they need more energy. While the “afternoon slump” is experienced by almost everyone from time to time and is perfectly natural, ongoing fatigue is never OK and needs a little investigation.

Most times, a low energy level fatigue is the result of a lifestyle habit that can be easily addressed with few changes to routine. On occasion, however, it may be related to a medical condition and should be discussed with your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Let’s take a look at the most common reasons for a lack of energy and what you can do to correct them.

Improve your sleep

It may seem obvious, but lack of quality sleep, or not enough hours spent sleeping, can make you feel groggy and miserable the following day, Ongoing poor sleep can spell a similarly ongoing lack of energy.

If you are feeling less energetic than you would like, ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I getting seven to eight hours of sleep most nights?
  • Do I toss and turn and/or wake up several times and not be easily able to drift off again?
  • Do I wake up feeling refreshed, or wishing I could sleep longer?

What you can do

Stick to a bedtime routine including a set time for sleep. Make sure you don’t vary it at weekends. You need to train your body and mind to know their time for rest.

Eliminate all light sources from your bedroom. This includes lights from electronics such as digital clocks and monitors, street lighting, nightlight, etc. Invest in blackout drapes or wear a sleep mask such as the London Premiere Sleep Shade available in store or online. Lack of light promotes the continuous release of melatonin-the sleep hormone.

Don’t use your tablet or laptop in bed. The backlight from the screen has shown to disrupt sleep patterns. If you wish to read digitally, use an e-book reader without a backlit screen.

Make sure that pre-sleep activities are not stimulating to the mind. It is better to read something soothing, or listen to peaceful music, than do a crossword or watch TV.

Reduce caffeine-laden drinks in the afternoon. These include coffee, tea, chocolate/cocoa and many colas. Chocolate bars also contain caffeine so watch these as well…which brings us to the next topic.

Reduce sugar intake

Elevated sugar level (spikes) can lead to sudden drops that make you feel drowsy. he drop that occurs after lunch is an example-leading to afternoon slump.

What you can do

While candies, cakes and cookies are obvious culprits, refined carbohydrates like fruit juices, white bread, bagels, rice, and potatoes all contain or are converted to simple sugars in the body. Since they are digested quickly, they lead to a spike and then a dip in blood sugar levels that leaves you feeling fatigued.

Replacing refined carbs with whole grain varieties and juices for whole fruits will help keep sugar levels steady, and you feeling more energized. Adding protein will also slow the emptying of your stomach and associated spiking of blood sugar.

Move more

Physical activity creates energy, so  sitting at a desk for hours is a sure-fire way to feeling bushed. Movement causes nitric oxide to be release from the linings of your arteries, allowing blood to flow better through your blood vessels. As a result, you cells receive more nutrients to elevate your energy levels.

What you can do

Heed the advice of experts and set an alarm to alert you every half hour of the need to stand up and move about. You don’t have to jog around the office, a simple walk for a couple of minutes is enough for your body to move heart-threatening fats out of your blood stream. Stretching your hip flexor muscles is also a good idea as these tend to shorten when you are seated for a long time, causing backache, aching hips and sore knees. (Trey holding the back of your chair and raising one knee to the chest and then the other, then do a couple of lunges.)

Avoid dehydration

Allowing yourself to become dehydrated is a major cause of lethargy. Our cells depend on water as part of the process of energy creation. Even mid dehydration can cause low energy.

What you can do

Fill a 2-litre bottle with good old water, and make sure you get through it during the day (this approximates eight glasses of water). Don’t allow yourself to become thirsty as this is a sign dehydration has already taken place. You will need more water on hot days or if working out. Remember, if your urine is yellow, you need to rehydrated fast.

Don’t skip breakfast

Despite knowing better, many people still skip breakfast, either because they don’t have time for it, or because an early morning cup of coffee kills their appetite. More common is the simple carbohydrate-laden breakfast, such as toasted bagel with jam or honey, sugary coffee, and fruit juice. Many people assume that a Danish is also a reasonable choice for breakfast, since all those calories will be worked off later in the day. Rather than use up calories, the result is a spike, then fall, in blood sugar and an associated desire to eat more carbs.

What you can do

Morning schedules can be hectic, especially if you are a working parent with children to organize. Even if you can’t afford the time to sit down and eat, you can make sure your breakfast is both convenient and well balanced by grabbing an energy bar. (London Drugs carries a wide variety of bars, so be sure to check them out.)

If you can find time for a sit-down breakfast, consider a whole grain bagel or toast with peanut or almond butter for protein and healthy fats. These will help prevent an energy slump a short while later.

Be aware of your metabolism

Knowing your basic metabolic rate (BMR) and how your food intake and calorie expenditure affect it can help you stay healthy and energized.

Consider attending a London Drugs Nutrition & Healthy Weight clinic (dates and locations on the next two pages) to determine your BMR and what you can do to make the healthy changes that can leas to increased energy.

“Find Your Energy and Make It Work for You.” Better Care Healthy Lifestyles
Volume XXI No. 1 | Winter-Spring 2016

PainSci summary of Kong 2009

When shoes wear out, the biomechanics of running do change. Just not much. Kong et al tested 24 runners before and after 200 miles of road-running in the same pair of shoes. There were a few minor changes: longer stance phase, less forward leaning, and less ankle flexion. However, hip and knee angles were unchanged.

[Update: several runner-readers have commented that 200 miles is not much, and they would hope that shoe wear would not have significant effects on the biomechanics of running until at least 300 or 400 miles. It’s possible that the relatively small number of miles is a bit of a deal-breaker for this study. ~ Paul 2016-02-16]

It’s significant that the effects on gait were generally minor, of course, but note the lack of difference in knee angles particularly. Knees are the site of two of the most common runner’s knee injuries, both iliotibial band and patellofemoral syndrome. In general, forces and injury risks increase together with more movement — more bending puts more torque on joints. A deeper knee bend is more stressful than a shallower knee bend. If worn out shoes have no effect on how far knees bend as you run, they aren’t much cause for concern. Although there are surely other biomechanical factors involved in these injuries, it’s unlikely that they are affected much by the condition of your shoes, and it’s reassuring that the most significant factor in overall knee stress — degree of flexion — is probably entirely unaffected.

Also interesting: they also compared kinds of shoes — air, gel, spring — and concluded “the adaptation strategies to shoe degradation were unaffected by different cushioning technologies.” So it makes no difference what kind of common cushioning method you have in your shoes — they all degrade and affect running about equally. A natural enemy of the salesman is science proving that there is no difference between products!

Nevertheless, the precautionary principle applies, and I do still recommend replacing your shoes when they begin to show obvious signs of wear. The risk of running in decrepit shoes may be small, but there’s not much reason to take that risk — just the modest cost of buying shoes somewhat more often. It’s not like you weren’t going to buy new shoes eventually! On the other hand, this data makes it pretty clear that replacing shoes while they still look fine isn’t really going to make much of a difference.

~ Paul Ingraham
Kong PW, Candelaria NG, Smith DR. Running in new and worn shoes: a comparison of three types of cushioning footwear. Br J Sports Med. 2009 Oct;43(10):745–9. PubMed #18801775.
“Worn out Shoes Do Change the Biomechanics of Running, but Not Much.” PainSciencecom RSS. April 7, 2016. Accessed March 28, 2016.

Demystifying Natural Health Products

More than half of Canadians use natural health products. Perhaps you are taking on now. When used properly, these products can play a role in getting and keeping you well. But natural health products are not risk-free. Learning how to use these products safely can be important to your health.

Find out if you are using a natural health product

Natural health products are naturally occurring substances that may improve or maintain your health. They are made from plants, animals, microorganisms or resources from the ocean. Natural health products, also called “complementary” or “alternative” medicines, include:

  •  Vitamins and minerals
  • Herbal, traditional and homeopathic medicines
  • Probiotics and enzymes
  • Essential fatty acids such as omega-3

Find out from your pharmacist if you are currently using a natural health product.

“Natural” may not mean safe

Any substance, whether natural or man-made, that has an effect on the body, has the potential to be a risk to your health. Natural health products are considered drugs and even if the product is labelled as “natural,” it does not always mean it is safe. In fact, about 12% of Canadians have reported side effects with these medicines. While many people use natural health products without issues, these products can still have risks, including:

  • Taking the wrong dosage
  • Unproven claims, which can lead people to use the wrong products for serious conditions or put off getting proper medical treatment
  • Lack of warnings on the label about who should avoid the product
  • Interaction with prescription medicines or other natural health products
  • Side effects, like allergic reactions

Learn how to use them safely

You can reduce your risk of unwanted effects and ensure you get the right natural health product by following these tips:

  • Tell your doctor and pharmacist everything you are taking, and why, to help prevent drug interactions.
  • Talk to your pharmacist before choosing a product, especially if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, over 65 years of age, have a serious medical condition or are buying the product for your child.
  • Only use Health Canada approved products.
  • Avoid products that make claims that seem too good to be true. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for a recommendation regarding the condition you are trying to treat.
  • Read and follow all instructions on the product label.
  • Report any side effects to your doctor or pharmacist.

Canadians use natural health products to prevent or treat an illness, reduce health risks or maintain good health. If you are using or thinking about using a natural health product, ask for help. Your doctor or pharmacist can help you choose the right product and minimize your risks.

Article from The Costco Connection, March 2016 Edition

Some Recent Research: Low Back Pain and Fatigue

According to the Centers for Disease Control, “Insufficient sleep is associated with a number of chronic diseases and conditions— such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and depression—which threaten our nation’s health. Notably, insufficient sleep is associated with the onset of these diseases and also poses important implications for their management and outcome.”

Some Recent Research: Low Back Pain and Fatigue

Some recent research is helping shed light on how massage therapy can be used to help people who have difficulty sleeping. One study of how massage therapy can benefit people with lower back pain and sleep disturbances found that the massage therapy group experienced less pain, depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance when compared to the group using only relaxation therapy.

This study comprised 30 adults with low back pain with a duration of at least six months. Randomly assigned to either massage therapy or relaxation therapy, each group had 30-minute sessions, twice a week for five weeks. On the first and last day of the five-week study, participants completed questionnaires and were assessed for range of motion. Along with the benefits for depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance, the massage therapy group also showed improved trunk and pain flexion performance.

A 2010 study investigated the effects of massage therapy for sleep quality on patients who had coronary artery bypass graft surgery. The study evaluated whether massage therapy would be effective in improving sleep quality in patients.

The 40 participants of the study were randomly assigned to a control group or massage therapy group following discharge from the intensive care unit. For three nights, the massage therapy group received massage while the control group did not. The patients were evaluated the following morning using a visual analogue scale for pain in the chest, back and shoulders, as well as fatigue and sleep.

Interestingly, pain in the chest, shoulders and back decreased significantly for both groups from day 1 to day 3. The participants in the massage therapy group, however, had fewer complaints of fatigue on day 1 and day 2, as well as reporting a more effective sleep during all three days.


Field, T., Hernandez-Reif, M., Diego, M., Fraser, M. (2007). Lower back pain and sleep disturbances are reduced following massage therapy. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 11(2) 141–145.
Nerbass, F.B., Feltrim, M.I., Souza, S.A., Ykeda, D.S., Lorenzi-Fiho, G. (2010). Effects of massage therapy on sleep quality after coronary artery bypass graft surger. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 65(11): 1105–10.

25 Reasons to Get a Massage

  1. Relieve stress
  2. Relieve postoperative pain
  3. Reduce anxiety
  4. Manage low-back pain
  5. Help fibromyalgia pain
  6. Reduce muscle tension
  7. Enhance exercise performance
  8. Relieve tension headaches
  9. Sleep better
  10. Ease symptoms of depression
  11. Improve cardiovascular health
  12. Reduce pain of osteoarthritis
  13. Decrease stress in cancer patients
  14. Improve balance in older adults
  15. Decrease rheumatoid arthritis pain
  16. Temper effects of dementia
  17. Promote relaxation
  18. Lower blood pressure
  19. Decrease symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  20. Help chronic neck pain
  21. Lower joint replacement pain
  22. Increase range of motion
  23. Decrease migraine frequency
  24. Improve quality of life in hospice care
  25. Reduce chemotherapy-related nausea