Want to Build Muscle? Try Foam Rolling.

Foam rolling is a way to help smooth out your fascia, the connective tissue that stretches over your muscles. “Inactivity, repetitive motion, and injuries can cause the fascia and the underlying muscle tissue to bind together. This causes or ‘trigger points,’ or “knots” that lead to tightness. When you roll out, you release these knots, and this helps reduce muscle tightness and improve joint mobility.

This process is typically accomplished with a foam roller which is a cylindrical tool typically made of dense foam plastic.

If your muscles are tight and sore, foam rolling could be a little painful when you first start.

Relieving muscle tightness can directly improve the quality of your workouts.

Foam roll then work out. When muscles are not restricted by tightness, the bodies joints have more Range of Motion (how much you can move around a limb) and muscles can fire at peak efficiency during exercise.

By doing exercises correctly, and through your full range of motion the moves become more effective which helps build lean muscle mass. Reducing tightness can also help minimize muscular imbalances in opposing muscle groups (the ones that work together to help you move in everyday life and in the gym, like your chest and back and biceps and triceps). Tightness in one of these muscle groups can interfere with your ability to engage the other—for example, if your quads are super tight, you’ll have a tough time engaging your glutes during a squat, which can lead to overdeveloped quads and underdeveloped glutes. Less tightness also cuts down on your risk for muscle and ligament strains, as well as general discomfort.

Think of foam rolling as an essential building block to your regular workout.

In the short term, foam rolling can provide immediate relief from body pain due to tightness. You may notice that your legs start to feel light and tingly because foam rolling also increases circulation. It will also help you feel more connected to your body, and when your body and mind are in sync, your workout tends to be on point.
And there’s an obvious long-term payoff, too. Strength training is an essential part of a balanced workout program—and foam rolling plays a major part in making sure that tightness and knots don’t get in your way and kill your workout vibe. Reducing tightness can also help you perform your best during non-strength workouts, too, as mobility is essential for runners, bikers, dancers, and swimmers, too.

Ultimately, foam rolling can help make the time you spend training more efficient and effective.

First purchase your high quality Foam roller from us for $45. Get in the habit of rolling out before every workout for 5 to 10 minutes and focus on the muscles you are using in that particular workout.

Check in with your body and think about what needs attention—if you’re feeling a little sore or tight that’s a sign you might want to spend time foam rolling that muscle area. (Note, if you’re experiencing sharp pains or recovering from surgery, consult a doctor, not a foam roller).